Getting Started

Specify a Neural Network Topology

You can create a feedforward neural network specifying the number of inputs as the argument of NN, and the number of outputs by adding a Layer:

from nnweaver import *
nn = NN(3)
nn.add_layer(Layer(5, Linear))

You can always add more layers, specify an activation function and a weights initializer, as the following lines of code show:

nn.add_layer(Layer(7, Sigmoid))
nn.add_layer(Layer(6, Rectifier, uniform(0, 0.05)))
nn.add_layer(Layer(42, TanH, glorot_uniform()))

See activations for the list of available activation functions.

Train the Neural Network

Now, choose a Loss function, pass it to an Optimizer (like the stochastic gradient descent) and start the training:

sgd = SGD(MSE)
sgd.train(nn, x, y, learning_rate=0.3)

There are other arguments to pass to the SGD.train() method, for example:

sgd.train(nn, x_train, y_train,
          learning_rate_time_based(0.25, 0.001),
          batch_size=10, epochs=100, momentum=0.85)

Also, you may want to control the model complexity. SGD.train() has a regularizer argument, that accepts an instance of the L1L2Regularizer class.

Validate a Model

The validation module has some facilities to assess a model and select its hyperparameters. These lines of code, for example, perform a 3-fold cross validation:

from nnweaver.validation import *
results = kfold_cross_validation(nn, sgd, x, y, k=3, learning_rate=0.5, batch_size=5, epochs=100)

Refer to Tuning Hyperparameters for more complex examples.

Other (Cool) Stuff

With the callbacks mechanism you can get information on the training procedure. There are two callbacks in NNWeaver to write to a file and to plot the loss for each epoch on a training and a validation set:

from nnweaver.callbacks import *

write = callbacks.WriteFileCallback('out.csv')
plot = callbacks.PlotLearningCurve(x_val, y_val, MSE, interactive=True)

sgd = SGD(MSE)
sgd.train(nn, x, y, learning_rate=0.3, batch_size=25, epochs=170,
          callbacks=[write, plot])

You can implement your own callback extending the class callbacks.Callback.